PGA & LPGA Class A Member, Certified Golf Professional
LPGA GOLF 101 (2022)
Golf for man & women, from PGA, LPGA Teacher!
Register for LPGA Golf 101 today.
Golf is a game for a lifetime, and it is great to play with family and friends! If you have ever thought about picking up a golf club, either for the first time or returning once again, you can make golf your sport for a lifetime. The LPGA Golf 101 Program is designed to teach you in five short lessons (each 1.5 hours) everything you’ll need to know to step onto a golf course and get out to play with confidence. LPGA Golf 101 program will make sure you have fun each step of the way.
”Discover the Game and Love it for life”
Sign up today!
5 group lessons series start at the low price of $200.00
Participants: 8
Wednesday (May 30 2022 - Jun 27 2022)
Thursday (May 31 2022-Jun 28 2022)
Wind Watch Golf & Country Club
1715 Vanderbilt Motor Pkwy
Hauppauge, NY 11788
212) 464-8226 or E-mail
Please let us know if you need golf clubs in advance - left or right handed. Thank you!
Day One:
During this first lesson, you'll not only get a historical overview of the sport, but also introduced to the fundamentals, including everything from how to dress and act on the golf course to the purpose of each club and learn putting.
Putting – skills, drills and games
Introduction to the Game
Etiquette & Safety
Grip, Stance, Posture, Aim
Basic rules concerning the putting green and flagstick
Day Two:
You've taken your first steps on the putting green and to becoming a golfer! During the second lesson, you'll learn the art of chipping, pitching and hitting out of green-side bunkers at great short game areas.
Short Game and Sand Game
Review: Putting (Grip, Stance, Posture, Aim)
Introduction: Chipping, Pitching & Green‐Side Bunker
Basic rules concerning the bunker
Day Three:
By day three you are already half way to becoming a golfer. On day three, you'll be introduced on how to use your irons, in addition to important lessons like golf fitness stretching for maximizing distance.
Full Swing Fundamentals - Irons
Review: Chipping, Pitching & Green‐Side Bunker shots
Warm-up : Introduce techniques
Full Swing / Irons: Introduction
Day Four:
By this point, you should be familiar with the putting green, bunkers and full swing with iron. On the fourth day, you'll learn everything you'll need to know about woods, including which of your woods to use and choosing between the different tee markers.
Full Swing Fundamentals - Woods
Review: Full Swing / Fairway & Rough Bunkers
Full Swing / Woods: Introduction
Teeing a golf ball – how, why and when
Introduction to the various teeing areas and tee markers ‐deciding which tee markers to use, who tees off first
Day Five:
Now it's time to step onto the tee box and take a swing. On the final day, you'll finish up by learning how to play, keep score and some basic rules like water hazards, out of bounds and lost balls. When all is said and done, you'll put it all to use by playing an entire hole.
On Course ExperienceReview:
Warm‐up Review: Full Swing / Woods & Irons,
Unusual Circumstances (i.e., fairway bunkers, etc.)
PLAY GOLF: Scramble Format (1 – 2 holes)
Congratulations! You have graduated from the Get Golf Ready group lesson program!
For students looking to further develop your skills, join the next level program with other golfers of similar abilities.
New players, beginners or players that want a refresher course are welcome!
It will be fun and you will see results - we guarantee it